
मानवता के रक्षक , verlosser van die mensdom

                                      Soldiers English     A contingent of the Japanese army was on the fight, there was also a military headquarters made in Manasty, in Manasti, the same general food was made for the army, which was not good for the people who were eating it. It was said to a military guru, 'Do you know that we are soldiers, sacrificing our lives for the country? Why don't you respect us with riot?   The Guru said, 'What do you think about us? You are soldiers of the country and we are soldiers of humanity, we consider it a duty to protect all our lives.   Hindi   जापानी सेना की एक टुकड़ी लड़ाई पर थी वहा की एक मनेस्टी में भी सेना का मुख्यालय बनाया गया मानेस्टी में सेना के लिए भी वही सामान्य भोजन बना, जो सब खा रहे थे यह बात सेना को अच्छी नही लगी उन्हें अपने लिए अलग सम्मान पाने की आदत रही थी एक सैनिक गुरु से बोला, ‘क्या आपको पता है की हम सैन...

We should do our work ourselves otherwise we can become weak

    English✌   The king of the Tang dynasty was a good administrator as well as a good leader of the army. The special thing was that despite having so much respect, persecution and wealth, he considered himself a humble and loyal person from time to time. He used to study, he was the Prime Minister of the country, but as before, there seemed to be a relationship between a guru and a disciple. Once upon a time, the Prime Minister asked his Guru, "Guruji, what is ego?" On hearing this, the Guru's face began to glow, he angrily said in a tone of insult, 'What is this question? The Prime Minister did not expect the AC response that he became depressed, he started getting angry immediately Guru said with a smile, 'Maharaj, this is the pride, there were two neighbors, both had a garden, it had the same type of trees - plants, a lot of neighboring plants. He used to take care of them several times a day and kept them in pruning, the second neighbor took normal care and ...

Lonely pan makes person weak

  lonely pan makes a person weak❤                                                                                                                  Hindi✌   मैं सुबह आठ बजे मेडिड पहुंच गया था मुझे यहां बहुत कम समय के लिए ही रुकना था इसलिए मैनेअपने दोस्तों को अपने यहां होने के बारे मे नही बताया मैने अपनी पसंदीदा जगह   पर अकेले ही टहलने का विचार बनाया और कुछ समय बाद मैं रेटिरो पार्क मे एक बैंच पर बैठकर सिगरेट पिने लगा                एक बूढ़े आदमी ने कहा, ‘तुम बहुत दूर बैठे हुए प्रतीत हो रहे हो आराम से मेरे पास आकर बैंच पर बैठ जाओ    मैने   कहा, ‘मैं यही हु पर मैं अभी, इसी बैंच पर, अब से करीब 12 साल पहले अपन...

Must accept we can move forward चुनोतियो को स्वीकार करना चाहिए तभी हम आगे बढ़ सकते है

                                   English Between the city there was a beautiful museum of white marble Tiles were laid, a beautiful statue of the same stone was made, everyday, many idols from all over the world came to roam the museum and started talking about the tiles and the statue among themselves, praising the idol very much.   Tiles said, "O idol, you don't think it's wrong. Everyone comes here and praises you just by standing above me.   The idol said, "Tiles, don't you remember we are both made of the same stone?"   Tile said, "Yes, I remember, that's why I find this thing even more wrong, both of us are treated differently, despite being made of the same stone." The idol said, 'Yes you are right, but do you remember the day when the craftsman was working on you and you were not supporting him? Tiles immediately replied, "Yes, I did not like that man,...