
Time - समय

  Time "Time" is such an "object", Those who keep counting will get "less". If you "use" it will be "increased", If you "collect" then you will "get out" from your hands,   But if you "handle" it will be yours. There are also strange tales of time; no one bites; And; Nobody would have.   Time; does not appear; Feather; Shows a lot. समय "समय" एक ऐसी "वस्तु" है,  जो गिनते रहेंगें तो "कम" पडेगा, "उपयोग" करेंगे तो "वृद्धि" होगी, "संग्रह" करें तो हाथो से "निकल"जायेंगा,  पर"संभाल" लेंगे तो यें आपका हों जायेंगा. समय के भी अजीब किस्से हैं; किसी का कटता नहीं; और;  किसी के पास होता नहीं ।   समय; दिखाई नहीं देता है; पर; बहुत कुछ दिखा देता है ।

Miracles happen in life only when you try yourself-जीवन में चमत्कार तभी होता है जब स्वयं प्रयास करेंगे

  Miracles happen in life only when you try yourself Surprise your life with miracles or Don't try to live with the help of others Do it. wasting your time Will happen. each person has his own life try to live by force needed. when you make your own move move forward, only then others will you will cooperate. if you yourself If you don't try then no one will you Will not come to help. Rather everyone will distance themselves from you. Life can drag on with the help of others Yes, can't live. God is his only those who help themselves know how to do to yourself anytime Don't be disappointed. to make us live life better found, so your circumstances enjoy. humility and courtesy in life It's a different matter, but your self-respect Always keep it. from others Don't consider yourself weak. the world too salute those who have There is a zeal to work. This only enables you, and as you become capable, people your start giving examples, imitate you We do. जीवन में चमत्का...

Even if there is no time to read "Mahabharata"-"महाभारत" को पढ़ने का समय न हो तो भी

Even if there is no time to read "Mahabharata" Understanding its nine essence-sutras can prove useful in our life:- 1. Wrong demands and stubbornness of children are not curbed in time, then in the end you will be helpless - "Kauravas" 2. No matter how strong you may be but with unrighteousness, then your knowledge, weapons, power and boon will all become fruitless - "Karna" 3. Do not make the children so ambitious that by misusing the knowledge, they invite self-destruction by self-destruction - "Ashwathama" 4. Never give such a promise to anyone that you have to surrender to the unrighteous - "Bhishma Pitamah" 5. Misuse of property, power and power and the association of miscreants shows self-destruction in the end - "Duryodhana" 6. Blind person - ie money, alcohol, ignorance, attachment and lust (Mridula) power in the hands of blind person also leads to destruction - "Dhritarashtra" 7. If a person is bound by know...

Mind Must be Positive- मन विचार सकारात्मक हो चाहिए

Mind Must be Positive The disciple said to the guru: Gurudev! A person has presented a cow to the ashram. Guru said - It is good. You will get to drink milk. After a week the disciple came and said to the Guru: Guru! The person who gave the cow, today he took back his cow. The Guru said - It is good! Got rid of the hassle of picking up cow dung. If the 'circumstance' changes, then change your 'mindset'. Only sorrow will turn into happiness. "Happiness and sorrow are after all the equation of both the minds. Thoughts must be positive Seeing the blind came to the temple, people laughed and said - "If you come to the temple for darshan, but will you be able to see God? "The blind said - "What difference does it make, my God will see me." Attitude should be positive, not vision!! मन विचार सकारात्मक हो चाहिए  गुरू से शिष्य ने कहा: गुरूदेव ! एक व्यक्ति ने आश्रम के लिये गाय भेंट की है। गुरू ने कहा - अच्छा हुआ । दूध पीने को मिलेगा। एक सप्ताह बाद शिष्य न...

Story art learning, कहानी कला सीखने का

ENGLISH Once a thief's son felt that now he too should learn the virtues of theft business from his father. He went to his father and asked him to teach him the secrets of his business. The father agreed to this. While going for theft that night, the father also took the son along, the house was big, the family was sleeping, the father quietly took the son inside the house and took him to a room and said. Clothes and jewelry are kept in the cupboard on that side, go from there and bring some items. The boy went that way. In this, the father came out of the room and locked the room from outside. Now Hua came out of the house and closed the main door with a loud sound. So that everyone in the house wakes up. After an hour and a half the boy came back home and said crying in anger, why did you lock him in the room? Anyone ever do this to their son? I was not thinking anything. If the fear of being caught had not made me audacious, I would never have been able to escape from there. Had...

Gesture has a very important place in life,जीवन में हाव-भाव की बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है

जब हम किसी व्यक्ति से मिलते हैं तो सबसे पहले जिस बात पर हमारा ध्यान जाता है वह उस व्यक्ति के हावभाव होते हैं क्योंकि क्रोध प्रसन्नता हैरानी निराशा या उत्सुकता जैसे सभी प्रकार के भाव सबसे पहले हमारे चेहरे पर ही परिलक्षित होती हैं हमारा मस्तिष्क तरंगे ग्रहण करने के अलावा इन भावों को पढ़ना और उन संकेतों को समझना और महसूस करना बहुत ही अच्छी तरीके से जानता है इसलिए जब कोई हमें गर्मजोशी से मिलता है तो हमारा दिमाग तुरंत उस व्यक्ति के दिमाग की तरंगों को खोजने लगता है ताकि उसके साथ वह संवाद कर सकें इसके विपरीत यदि कोई व्यक्ति को रूखेपन से हमसे मिलता है तो हमारा मस्तिष्क भी आक्रामक मुद्रा में आ जाता है और हम जाने - अनजाने में अपने आप को उस व्यक्ति की तरंगों से सुरक्षित रखने का प्रयास करते हैं। ENGLISH When we meet a person, the first thing that gets our attention is the gesture of that person because all kinds of expressions like anger, happiness, surprise, disappointment or curiosity are first reflected on our face itself. Apart from this, it knows very well to read these expressions and unders...

Apologizing and forgiving both win, these expressions are very good,माफी मांगना और माफ करना दोनों की जीत होती है यह भाव बहुत ही अच्छे होते हैं,

माफी मांगना हो या फिर माफ करना आसान नहीं है और कठिन भी नहीं अपनी गलती मान लेना और दूसरों की गलती माफ कर देना । यह बेहद ही कठिन है पर अगर आप चाहे तो माफी मांग कर अपनी गलती को सुधारने की कोशिश कर सकते हो या फिर किसी से हुई गलती को माफ करते हैं या माफी देते हैं तो यह हमें माननीय बनता है माफी देना या माफी लेना दोनों ही सौदेबाजी नहीं है ना ही चालाकी माफी मन का वह धरातल है जहां अपनी भूल मानने वाले या माफ करने वालों दोनों की ही जीत होती है माफी हमें बेहतर बनाती है ENGLISH  Whether to apologize or forgive is not easy and it is not difficult to accept your mistake and forgive the mistake of others. It is very difficult, but if you want, you can try to rectify your mistake by apologizing or forgive or forgive someone's mistake, then it becomes honorable to give forgiveness or take an apology. No, neither clever nor clever. Forgiveness is the surface of the mind where both those who accept their mistakes or those who forgive, win, forgiveness makes us better.